MUQ  0.4.3
Gaussian Processes

Tools for defining and working with Gaussian processes.

This group contains classes for defining Gaussian processes and performing Gaussian process regression.

const unsigned numFields = 1; // The number of components in the GP predictions
const unsigned dim = 1; // The number of predictor variables (e.g., location)
const unsigned numobs = 100; // The number of observations
const unsigned numPred = 10; // The number of locations where we want to evaluate the GP
Eigen::MatrixXd trainLocs(dim, numObs);
Eigen::MatrixXd trainData(numFields, numObs);
Eigen::MatrixXd predLocs(dim, numPred);
// ... Fill in the training locations and data
// ... Fill in the prediction locations
// Create the covariance kernel
const double lengthScale = 0.35;
const double variance = 2.0;
auto kernel = SquaredExpKernel(dim, variance, lengthScael);
// Create the Mean function
ConstantMean mean(dim, 1);
// Create the Gaussian Process
auto gp = GaussianProcess(mean, kernel);
// Make a prediction at new locaitons
Eigen::MatrixXd postMean, postCov;
std::tie(postMean, postCov) = gp.Predict(predLocs);


 Covariance Kernels
 Covariance kernels for defining Gaussian Processes.
 Mean Functions
 Tools for defining linear observations of Gaussian Processes.


class  muq::Approximation::GaussianProcess
class  muq::Approximation::KarhunenLoeveExpansion
 Used to compute and evaluate the Karhunen-Loeve decomposition of a zero mean Gaussian process. @sealso SeperableKarhunenLoeve. More...
class  muq::Approximation::SeparableKarhunenLoeve
 Implements KL expansions that take advantage of separable structure in both the domain and covariance kernel. More...


template<typename MeanType , typename KernelType >
GaussianProcess muq::Approximation::ConstructGP (MeanType const &mean, KernelType const &kernel)

Function Documentation

◆ ConstructGP()

template<typename MeanType , typename KernelType >
GaussianProcess muq::Approximation::ConstructGP ( MeanType const &  mean,
KernelType const &  kernel 

Definition at line 389 of file GaussianProcess.h.