MUQ  0.4.3

Tools for constructing univariate and multivariate quadrature rules.

Gauss Quadrature

One dimensional quadrature rules attempt to approximate a weighted integral of the form

\[ \int_\Omega f(x) w(x) dx, \]

where \(f(x):\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\) is the function we wish to integrate, \(w(x):\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\) is a given weight function, and \(\Omega\) defines the support of the weight function. To approximate this type of integral, we seek an approximation of the form

\[ \int_\Omega f(x) w(x) dx \approx \sum_{i=1}^N w_i f(x_i), \]

where \(w_i\) and \(x_i\) are called the quadrature weights and quadrature points. Together these are called the quadrature rule.

Gauss quadrature refers to a particular way of defining quadrature rules that can exactly integrate polynomials of order \(2N-1\). The \(N\) point Gauss quadrature rule for a weight function \(w(x)\) corresponds to the roots of the degree- \(N\) polynomial in a polynomial family that is orthogonal with respect o the weight function \(w(x)\). For example, Legendre polynomials are orthogonal with respect to \(w(x) = I([-1,1])\), where \(I([-1,1])\) is the indicator function for the set \([-1,1]\). The \(N\) point Gauss-Legendre rule will then use the roots of the \(N^{th}\) order Legendre polynomial to exactly integrate

\[ \int_{-1}^1 f(x) dx, \]

when \(f(x)\) is a polynomial with degree \(\leq N\). The following table matches orthogonal polynomial families with their corresponding weight function and MUQ class name.

Weight Function \(w(x)\) Domain Polynomial Family MUQ Class
\(1\) \([-1,1]\) Legendre muq::Approximation::Legendre
\(\exp\left[-\frac{1}{2}x^2\right] \) \((-\infty, \infty)\) Probabilist Hermite muq::Approximation::ProbabilistHermite
\(\exp\left[-x^2\right] \) \((-\infty, \infty)\) Physicist Hermite muq::Approximation::PhysicistHermite
\(\exp\left[-x\right] \) \([0, \infty)\) Laguerre muq::Approximation::Laguerre
\((1-x)^a (1+x)^b\) \([-1,1]\) Jacobi muq::Approximation::Jacobi

To construct a Gauss quadrature rule, MUQ requires the polynomial family to be defined first. See below for examples. Note that behind the scenes, MUQ uses the Golub-Welsch algorithm (see "Calculation of Quadrature Rules" Golub and Welsch 1969), to compute Gauss quadrature rules.

Example of constructing a Gauss-Legendre rule:

auto poly = std::make_shared<Legendre>();
GaussQuadrature gaussLegendre(poly);
Eigen::VectorXd gaussPts = gq.Points().transpose();
Eigen::VectorXd gaussWts = gq.Weights();

Set up for Gauss-Hermite rules:

auto poly = std::make_shared<PhysicistHermite>();
GaussQuadrature gaussHermite(poly);
auto poly = std::make_shared<ProbabilistHermite>();
GaussQuadrature gaussHermite(poly);

Set up for Gauss-Laguerre

auto poly = std::make_shared<Laguerre>();
GaussQuadrature gaussLaguerre(poly);

Set up for Gauss-Jacobi

double a = 0.5;
double b = 0.5;
auto poly = std::make_shared<Jacobi>(a,b);
GaussQuadrature gaussJacobi(poly);

Note that it is also possible to choose a polynomial family by passing the polynomial name as a string to the OrthogonalPolynomial::Construct method. For example,

std::string polyName = "Legendre";
auto poly = OrthogonalPolynomial::Construct(polyName);
GaussQuadrature gaussQuad(poly);
static std::shared_ptr< OrthogonalPolynomial > Construct(std::string const &polyName)

Other 1D Quadrature Rules

The nested Clenshaw Curtis quadrature:

unsigned int numPts = 10;
ClenshawCurtisQuadrature ccQuad;

Tensor Product Rules

Smolyak Rules


class  muq::Approximation::GaussQuadrature
 Class for computing Gauss Quadrature rules from an orthogonal polynomial family. More...
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class  muq::Approximation::FullTensorQuadrature
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class  muq::Approximation::Quadrature
 Base class for multivariate quadrature rules. @detail An abstract class for computing nodes and weights of general quadrature rules. @seealso GaussQuadrature. More...
class  muq::Approximation::SmolyakQuadrature
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