First, make sure you have docker installed. Follow these instructions if you don't. We provide several MUQ docker images:
Image Name | Description |
mparno/muq | A simple image containing MUQ (c++ and python) installed in a debian environment with minimal dependencies. |
mparno/muq-jupyter | Same as the muq image, but with jupyter lab and several other python packages installed. |
mparno/muq-hippylib | An image building on the FEniCS image with additional installations of hIPPylib, hIPPylib2MUQ, andd MUQ. |
mparno/muq-build | An image containing necessary dependencies for MUQ, but not MUQ itself. This image is useful for continuous integration purposes and serves as the base for the mparno/muq and mparno/muq-jupyter images. |
The following command launches a container using the muq
image and sharing the current directory with the /home/muq-user
folder in the container:
To launch a container using the muq-jupyter
image, we should also share port 8888 so we can launch jupyter notebooks inside the container but view them in a host browser. An example doing this is