Example Basic PCE Construction
Basic construction of polynomial chaos expansions with adaptive Smolyak algorithm.
Polynomial Chaos Background
Basic construction of polynomial chaos expansions with adaptive Smolyak algorithm.
Polynomial Chaos Background
Our goal is to approximation a function $f(x)$ using a finite polynomial expansion. More precisely, we seek an expansion of the form
$$ \tilde{f}(x) = \sum_{\mathbf{k}\in \mathcal{K}} c_\mathbf{k} \Phi_{\mathbf{k}}(x), $$where $\mathbf{k}$ is a multiindex in the set $\mathcal{K}$, $c_\mathbf{k}\in\mathbb{R}$ is a scalar coefficient, and $\Phi_{\mathbf{k}}(x)$ is a multivariate polynomial. Our goal is to determine the multiindex set $\mathcal{K}$ and the coefficients $c_\mathbf{k}$ to minimize the weighted $L^2$ error of the expansion:
$$ \|\tilde{f}(x) - f(x)\| = \sqrt{\int_\Omega \left(\tilde{f}(x)-f(x)\right)^2 p(x) dx}, $$where $p(x)$ is a probability density with support $\Omega$. MUQ adaptively constructs $\tilde{f}(x)$ using the Smolyak pseudo spectral approach of Conrad and Marzouk, 2012.
import muq.Modeling as mm import muq.Utilities as mu import muq.Approximation as ma from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable from ipywidgets import interact import ipywidgets as widgets from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection import matplotlib.patches as patches from matplotlib.pyplot import cm import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Define the model
To construct a polynomial chaos expansion with MUQ, we need to first define the model as a child of the ModPiece
class. Here, we use a built in ModPiece
called CosOperator
that simply returns a componentwise cosine of the input.
dim = 2 model = mm.CosOperator(dim)
Define the PCE factory
#quad1d = ma.ClenshawCurtisQuadrature() quad1d = ma.GaussPattersonQuadrature() polys1d = ma.Legendre() smolyPCE = ma.AdaptiveSmolyakPCE(model, [quad1d]*dim, [polys1d]*dim);
Construct the PCE
# Start with a linear approximation initialOrder = 1 multis = mu.MultiIndexFactory.CreateTotalOrder(dim,initialOrder) options = dict() options['ShouldAdapt'] = 1 # After constructing an initial approximation with the terms in "multis", should we continue to adapt? options['ErrorTol'] = 1e-4 # Stop when the estimated L2 error is below this value options['MaximumEvals'] = 200 # Stop adapting when more than this many model evaluations has occured
pce = smolyPCE.Compute(multis, options);
print('Number of Model Evaluations:') print(smolyPCE.NumEvals()) print('\nEstimated L2 Error:') print('%0.4e'%smolyPCE.Error())
Number of Model Evaluations: 49 Estimated L2 Error: 5.1610e-05
Plot the convergence diagnostics
errorHist = smolyPCE.ErrorHistory() evalHist = smolyPCE.EvalHistory() timeHist = smolyPCE.TimeHistory()
fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=3,sharey=True,figsize=(10,4)) axs[0].semilogy(errorHist,'*-') axs[0].set_ylabel('Global Error Indicator') axs[0].set_xlabel('Number of Adaptations') axs[0].semilogy([0, len(errorHist)-1], [options['ErrorTol'],options['ErrorTol']],'--k') axs[1].semilogy(evalHist, errorHist,'*-',linewidth=2) axs[1].set_xlabel('Number of Evaluations') axs[1].semilogy([evalHist[0], evalHist[-1]], [options['ErrorTol'],options['ErrorTol']],'--k') axs[2].semilogy(timeHist, errorHist,'*-',linewidth=2) axs[2].semilogy([timeHist[0], timeHist[-1]], [options['ErrorTol'],options['ErrorTol']],'--k') axs[2].set_xlabel('Runtime (s)') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.02) plt.show()
Plot the model points and Smolyak terms
ptHist = smolyPCE.PointHistory() termHist = smolyPCE.TermHistory()
colors=cm.tab20(np.linspace(0,1,len(termHist))) def PlotAdaptation(AdaptIt): fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2,figsize=(11,5)) for it in range(AdaptIt+1): pts_x = [pt[0] for pt in ptHist[it]] pts_y = [pt[1] for pt in ptHist[it]] axs[0].plot(pts_x,pts_y, '.',markersize=14,color=colors[it]) # Create a Rectangle patch boxes=[] for term in termHist[it]: termVec = term.GetVector() boxes.append( patches.Rectangle((termVec[0]-0.5,termVec[1]-0.5),1.0,1.0)) axs[1].add_collection(PatchCollection(boxes, facecolor=colors[it])) axs[0].set_xlim([-1.1,1.1]) axs[0].set_ylim([-1.1,1.1]) axs[0].set_xlabel('$x_1$') axs[0].set_ylabel('$x_1$') axs[0].set_title('Evaluation Points (Iteration %d)'%AdaptIt) axs[1].set_xlim([-0.5,7.5]) axs[1].set_ylim([-0.5,7.5]) axs[1].set_ylabel('Order in $x_1$') axs[1].set_ylabel('Order in $x_2$') axs[1].set_title('Smolyak Terms (Iteration %d)'%AdaptIt) PlotAdaptation(5)
Plot the polynoial terms in the PCE
polyTerms = pce.Multis()
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) # A list of rectangular patches. One for each term boxes=[] # Loop over all of the multiindices maxOrderX = 0 # maxOrderY = 0 for i in range(polyTerms.Size()): termVec = polyTerms.at(i).GetVector() boxes.append( patches.Rectangle((termVec[0]-0.5,termVec[1]-0.5),1.0,1.0)) maxOrderX = np.max([maxOrderX, termVec[0]]) maxOrderY = np.max([maxOrderY, termVec[1]]) plt.gca().add_collection(PatchCollection(boxes,edgecolors='k')) plt.xlim(-0.5,maxOrderX+2) plt.ylim(-0.5,maxOrderY+2) plt.xlabel('X order') plt.ylabel('Y Order') plt.title('Polynomial terms in PCE') plt.show()
Plot the PCE predictions
Before plotting, we need to evaluate the true model and the PCE surrogate at a grid of points. These evaluations are completed in the following cell.
numPlot = 50 x = np.linspace(-1,1,numPlot) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,x) trueEvals = np.zeros(X.shape) pceEvals = np.zeros(X.shape) for i in range(numPlot): for j in range(numPlot): pt = [X[i,j],Y[i,j]] trueEvals[i,j] = model.Evaluate([pt])[0][0] pceEvals[i,j] = pce.Evaluate([pt])[0][0]
The cell below plots the true model evaluations, the PCE evaluations, and the error.
fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(15,7), gridspec_kw={'wspace':0.5}) # Plot the true model im = axs[0].imshow(trueEvals) axs[0].set_title('True Model') divider = make_axes_locatable(axs[0]) cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='vertical') # Plot the PCE Surrogate im = axs[1].imshow(pceEvals) axs[1].set_title('PCE Surrogate') divider = make_axes_locatable(axs[1]) cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='vertical') im = axs[2].imshow(pceEvals-trueEvals) axs[2].set_title('Error') divider = make_axes_locatable(axs[2]) cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='vertical') plt.show()
Propagate Uncertainty
print('Prediction Mean:') print(pce.Mean()) print('\nPrediction Variance:') print(pce.Variance()) print('\nPrediction Covariance:') print(pce.Covariance())
Prediction Mean: [0.84147098 0.84147098] Prediction Variance: [0.01925094 0.01925094] Prediction Covariance: [[1.92509384e-02 1.09585700e-18] [1.09585700e-18 1.92509384e-02]]
Sensitivity analysis
totalSens1 = pce.TotalSensitivity(0) totalSens2 = pce.TotalSensitivity(1) print('Total Sensitivities:') print(' Output 0 wrt parameter 0 = %0.2e'%totalSens1[0]) print(' Output 0 wrt parameter 1 = %0.2e'%totalSens1[1]) print(' Output 1 wrt parameter 0 = %0.2e'%totalSens2[0]) print(' Output 1 wrt parameter 1 = %0.2e'%totalSens2[1]) print('\nAll Total Sensitivities:') print(pce.TotalSensitivity()) mainEffects1 = pce.SobolSensitivity(0) mainEffects2 = pce.SobolSensitivity(1) print('\nFirst Order Sobol Indices:') print(' Output 0 wrt parameter 0 = %0.2e'%mainEffects1[0]) print(' Output 0 wrt parameter 1 = %0.2e'%mainEffects1[1]) print(' Output 1 wrt parameter 0 = %0.2e'%mainEffects2[0]) print(' Output 1 wrt parameter 1 = %0.2e'%mainEffects2[1])
Total Sensitivities: Output 0 wrt parameter 0 = 1.00e+00 Output 0 wrt parameter 1 = 1.39e-29 Output 1 wrt parameter 0 = 1.46e-29 Output 1 wrt parameter 1 = 1.00e+00 All Total Sensitivities: [[1.00000000e+00 1.46011825e-29] [1.38826284e-29 1.00000000e+00]] First Order Sobol Indices: Output 0 wrt parameter 0 = 1.00e+00 Output 0 wrt parameter 1 = 1.36e-29 Output 1 wrt parameter 0 = 1.44e-29 Output 1 wrt parameter 1 = 1.00e+00
Completed code:
import muq.Modeling as mm import muq.Utilities as mu import muq.Approximation as ma from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable from ipywidgets import interact import ipywidgets as widgets from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection import matplotlib.patches as patches from matplotlib.pyplot import cm import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt dim = 2 model = mm.CosOperator(dim) #quad1d = ma.ClenshawCurtisQuadrature() quad1d = ma.GaussPattersonQuadrature() polys1d = ma.Legendre() smolyPCE = ma.AdaptiveSmolyakPCE(model, [quad1d]*dim, [polys1d]*dim); # Start with a linear approximation initialOrder = 1 multis = mu.MultiIndexFactory.CreateTotalOrder(dim,initialOrder) options = dict() options['ShouldAdapt'] = 1 # After constructing an initial approximation with the terms in "multis", should we continue to adapt? options['ErrorTol'] = 1e-4 # Stop when the estimated L2 error is below this value options['MaximumEvals'] = 200 # Stop adapting when more than this many model evaluations has occured pce = smolyPCE.Compute(multis, options); print('Number of Model Evaluations:') print(smolyPCE.NumEvals()) print('\nEstimated L2 Error:') print('%0.4e'%smolyPCE.Error()) errorHist = smolyPCE.ErrorHistory() evalHist = smolyPCE.EvalHistory() timeHist = smolyPCE.TimeHistory() fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=3,sharey=True,figsize=(10,4)) axs[0].semilogy(errorHist,'*-') axs[0].set_ylabel('Global Error Indicator') axs[0].set_xlabel('Number of Adaptations') axs[0].semilogy([0, len(errorHist)-1], [options['ErrorTol'],options['ErrorTol']],'--k') axs[1].semilogy(evalHist, errorHist,'*-',linewidth=2) axs[1].set_xlabel('Number of Evaluations') axs[1].semilogy([evalHist[0], evalHist[-1]], [options['ErrorTol'],options['ErrorTol']],'--k') axs[2].semilogy(timeHist, errorHist,'*-',linewidth=2) axs[2].semilogy([timeHist[0], timeHist[-1]], [options['ErrorTol'],options['ErrorTol']],'--k') axs[2].set_xlabel('Runtime (s)') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.02) plt.show() ptHist = smolyPCE.PointHistory() termHist = smolyPCE.TermHistory() colors=cm.tab20(np.linspace(0,1,len(termHist))) def PlotAdaptation(AdaptIt): fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2,figsize=(11,5)) for it in range(AdaptIt+1): pts_x = [pt[0] for pt in ptHist[it]] pts_y = [pt[1] for pt in ptHist[it]] axs[0].plot(pts_x,pts_y, '.',markersize=14,color=colors[it]) # Create a Rectangle patch boxes=[] for term in termHist[it]: termVec = term.GetVector() boxes.append( patches.Rectangle((termVec[0]-0.5,termVec[1]-0.5),1.0,1.0)) axs[1].add_collection(PatchCollection(boxes, facecolor=colors[it])) axs[0].set_xlim([-1.1,1.1]) axs[0].set_ylim([-1.1,1.1]) axs[0].set_xlabel('$x_1$') axs[0].set_ylabel('$x_1$') axs[0].set_title('Evaluation Points (Iteration %d)'%AdaptIt) axs[1].set_xlim([-0.5,7.5]) axs[1].set_ylim([-0.5,7.5]) axs[1].set_ylabel('Order in $x_1$') axs[1].set_ylabel('Order in $x_2$') axs[1].set_title('Smolyak Terms (Iteration %d)'%AdaptIt) PlotAdaptation(5) polyTerms = pce.Multis() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) # A list of rectangular patches. One for each term boxes=[] # Loop over all of the multiindices maxOrderX = 0 # maxOrderY = 0 for i in range(polyTerms.Size()): termVec = polyTerms.at(i).GetVector() boxes.append( patches.Rectangle((termVec[0]-0.5,termVec[1]-0.5),1.0,1.0)) maxOrderX = np.max([maxOrderX, termVec[0]]) maxOrderY = np.max([maxOrderY, termVec[1]]) plt.gca().add_collection(PatchCollection(boxes,edgecolors='k')) plt.xlim(-0.5,maxOrderX+2) plt.ylim(-0.5,maxOrderY+2) plt.xlabel('X order') plt.ylabel('Y Order') plt.title('Polynomial terms in PCE') plt.show() numPlot = 50 x = np.linspace(-1,1,numPlot) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,x) trueEvals = np.zeros(X.shape) pceEvals = np.zeros(X.shape) for i in range(numPlot): for j in range(numPlot): pt = [X[i,j],Y[i,j]] trueEvals[i,j] = model.Evaluate([pt])[0][0] pceEvals[i,j] = pce.Evaluate([pt])[0][0] fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(15,7), gridspec_kw={'wspace':0.5}) # Plot the true model im = axs[0].imshow(trueEvals) axs[0].set_title('True Model') divider = make_axes_locatable(axs[0]) cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='vertical') # Plot the PCE Surrogate im = axs[1].imshow(pceEvals) axs[1].set_title('PCE Surrogate') divider = make_axes_locatable(axs[1]) cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='vertical') im = axs[2].imshow(pceEvals-trueEvals) axs[2].set_title('Error') divider = make_axes_locatable(axs[2]) cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='vertical') plt.show() print('Prediction Mean:') print(pce.Mean()) print('\nPrediction Variance:') print(pce.Variance()) print('\nPrediction Covariance:') print(pce.Covariance()) totalSens1 = pce.TotalSensitivity(0) totalSens2 = pce.TotalSensitivity(1) print('Total Sensitivities:') print(' Output 0 wrt parameter 0 = %0.2e'%totalSens1[0]) print(' Output 0 wrt parameter 1 = %0.2e'%totalSens1[1]) print(' Output 1 wrt parameter 0 = %0.2e'%totalSens2[0]) print(' Output 1 wrt parameter 1 = %0.2e'%totalSens2[1]) print('\nAll Total Sensitivities:') print(pce.TotalSensitivity()) mainEffects1 = pce.SobolSensitivity(0) mainEffects2 = pce.SobolSensitivity(1) print('\nFirst Order Sobol Indices:') print(' Output 0 wrt parameter 0 = %0.2e'%mainEffects1[0]) print(' Output 0 wrt parameter 1 = %0.2e'%mainEffects1[1]) print(' Output 1 wrt parameter 0 = %0.2e'%mainEffects2[0]) print(' Output 1 wrt parameter 1 = %0.2e'%mainEffects2[1])
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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1550487.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
This material is based upon work supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, SciDAC (Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing) program under awards DE-SC0007099 and DE-SC0021226, for the QUEST and FASTMath SciDAC Institutes.