Monotone Regression

Regression of stress-strain data with guaranteed monotonocity of the learned relationship.


The goal of this example is to fit a monotone function to stress-strain data obtained during the 2017 Sandia Fracture Challenge. For our area of interest, the stress should be a monotonically increasing function of the strain.

The MonotoneExpansion class provides a way of characterizing monotone functions and can be fit to data in a least squares sense using the Gauss-Newton algorithm, which is implemented in the FitData function below.

#include "MUQ/Approximation/Polynomials/BasisExpansion.h"
#include "MUQ/Approximation/Polynomials/MonotoneExpansion.h"

#include "MUQ/Approximation/Polynomials/Legendre.h"
#include "MUQ/Utilities/MultiIndices/MultiIndexFactory.h"

#include "MUQ/Utilities/RandomGenerator.h"
#include "MUQ/Utilities/HDF5/H5Object.h"

#include <Eigen/Dense>

using namespace muq::Approximation;
using namespace muq::Utilities;

/** Reads SFC3 stress strain data. */
std::pair<Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::VectorXd> ReadData()
  auto f = muq::Utilities::OpenFile("data/LTA01.h5");

  std::cout << "Reading strain data..." << std::endl;
  std::cout << "  Units: " << std::string(f["/Strain"].attrs["Units"]) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "  Size:  " << f["/Strain"].rows() << std::endl;

  Eigen::VectorXd strain = f["/Strain"];

  std::cout << "Reading stress data..." << std::endl;
  std::cout << "  Units: " << std::string(f["/Stress"].attrs["Units"]) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "  Size:  " << f["/Stress"].rows() << std::endl;

  Eigen::VectorXd stress = f["/Stress"];

  return std::make_pair(strain, stress);

std::shared_ptr<MonotoneExpansion> SetupExpansion(unsigned order)
    auto poly = std::make_shared<Legendre>();
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IndexedScalarBasis>> bases(1, poly);
    std::shared_ptr<MultiIndexSet> multis = MultiIndexFactory::CreateTotalOrder(1, order);

    Eigen::MatrixXd polyCoeffs = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(1,multis->Size());
    polyCoeffs(0,1) = 500.0; // add an initial linear trend

    auto polyBase = std::make_shared<BasisExpansion>(bases, multis, polyCoeffs);
    auto expansion = std::make_shared<MonotoneExpansion>(polyBase);

    return expansion;

/** Find parameters of the montone expansion that minimize the L2 norm between
    the predictions and observations, i.e., solve the nonlinear least squares
    problem for the parameters describing the monotone function.
void FitData(Eigen::VectorXd             const& x,
             Eigen::VectorXd             const& y,
             std::shared_ptr<MonotoneExpansion> expansion)
  Eigen::VectorXd coeffs = expansion->GetCoeffs();

  Eigen::VectorXd preds(x.size());
  Eigen::VectorXd newPreds(x.size());
  Eigen::VectorXd newCoeffs;

  Eigen::VectorXd resid, newResid, step, xslice;
  Eigen::MatrixXd jac(x.size(), coeffs.size());

  const int maxLineIts = 10;
  const int maxIts = 20;

  // Use the current monotone parameterization to make predictions at every point
  for(int k=0; k<x.size(); ++k){
    xslice = x.segment(k,1);
    preds(k) = boost::any_cast<Eigen::VectorXd>(expansion->Evaluate(xslice,coeffs).at(0))(0);

  resid = y-preds;
  double sse = resid.squaredNorm();

  for(int i=0; i<maxIts; ++i){

    // Compute the jacobian at the current point
    for(int k=0; k<x.size(); ++k){
      xslice = x.segment(k,1);
      jac.row(k) = boost::any_cast<Eigen::MatrixXd>(expansion->Jacobian(1,0,xslice,coeffs));

    // Compute the Gauss-Newton step
    step = jac.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(resid);
    newCoeffs = coeffs + step;

    // Use the current monotone parameterization to make predictions at every point
    for(int k=0; k<x.size(); ++k){
      xslice = x.segment(k,1);
      newPreds(k) = boost::any_cast<Eigen::VectorXd>(expansion->Evaluate(xslice,newCoeffs).at(0))(0);

    newResid = y-newPreds;
    double newsse = newResid.squaredNorm();

    // Backtracing line search to guarantee a sufficient descent
    int lineIt = 0;
    while((newsse > sse - 1e-7)&&(lineIt<maxLineIts)){
      step *= 0.5;
      newCoeffs = coeffs + step;

      // Compute the residuals at the new point
      for(int k=0; k<x.size(); ++k){
        xslice = x.segment(k,1);
        newPreds(k) = boost::any_cast<Eigen::VectorXd>(expansion->Evaluate(xslice,newCoeffs).at(0))(0);

      newResid = y-newPreds;
      newsse = newResid.squaredNorm();

    if(lineIt == maxLineIts){
      std::cout << "WARNING: Line search failed, terminating Gauss-Newton optimizer." << std::endl;

    // The line search was successful, so update the coefficients and residuals
    coeffs = newCoeffs;
    preds = newPreds;
    sse = newsse;
    resid = newResid;

    std::cout << "Iteration " << i << ", SSE = "<< sse << std::endl;

void WriteResults(Eigen::VectorXd             const& x,
                  std::shared_ptr<MonotoneExpansion> expansion)
  Eigen::VectorXd preds(x.size());
  Eigen::VectorXd xslice;

  for(int k=0; k<x.size(); ++k){
    xslice = x.segment(k,1);
    preds(k) = boost::any_cast<Eigen::VectorXd>(expansion->Evaluate(xslice).at(0))(0);

  auto f = muq::Utilities::OpenFile("results/StressPredictions.h5");
  f["/Strain"] = x;
  f["/Stress"] = preds;

int main()

  Eigen::VectorXd strain, stress;
  std::tie(strain, stress) = ReadData();

  unsigned polyOrder = 7;
  auto expansion = SetupExpansion(polyOrder);

  FitData(strain, stress, expansion);

  WriteResults(strain, expansion);

  return 0;

Complete Code

#include "MUQ/Approximation/Polynomials/BasisExpansion.h"
#include "MUQ/Approximation/Polynomials/MonotoneExpansion.h"

#include "MUQ/Approximation/Polynomials/Legendre.h"
#include "MUQ/Utilities/MultiIndices/MultiIndexFactory.h"

#include "MUQ/Utilities/RandomGenerator.h"
#include "MUQ/Utilities/HDF5/H5Object.h"

#include <Eigen/Dense>

using namespace muq::Approximation;
using namespace muq::Utilities;

/** Reads SFC3 stress strain data. */
std::pair<Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::VectorXd> ReadData()
  auto f = muq::Utilities::OpenFile("data/LTA01.h5");

  std::cout << "Reading strain data..." << std::endl;
  std::cout << "  Units: " << std::string(f["/Strain"].attrs["Units"]) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "  Size:  " << f["/Strain"].rows() << std::endl;

  Eigen::VectorXd strain = f["/Strain"];

  std::cout << "Reading stress data..." << std::endl;
  std::cout << "  Units: " << std::string(f["/Stress"].attrs["Units"]) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "  Size:  " << f["/Stress"].rows() << std::endl;

  Eigen::VectorXd stress = f["/Stress"];

  return std::make_pair(strain, stress);

std::shared_ptr<MonotoneExpansion> SetupExpansion(unsigned order)
    auto poly = std::make_shared<Legendre>();
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IndexedScalarBasis>> bases(1, poly);
    std::shared_ptr<MultiIndexSet> multis = MultiIndexFactory::CreateTotalOrder(1, order);

    Eigen::MatrixXd polyCoeffs = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(1,multis->Size());
    polyCoeffs(0,1) = 500.0; // add an initial linear trend

    auto polyBase = std::make_shared<BasisExpansion>(bases, multis, polyCoeffs);
    auto expansion = std::make_shared<MonotoneExpansion>(polyBase);

    return expansion;

/** Find parameters of the montone expansion that minimize the L2 norm between
    the predictions and observations, i.e., solve the nonlinear least squares
    problem for the parameters describing the monotone function.
void FitData(Eigen::VectorXd             const& x,
             Eigen::VectorXd             const& y,
             std::shared_ptr<MonotoneExpansion> expansion)
  Eigen::VectorXd coeffs = expansion->GetCoeffs();

  Eigen::VectorXd preds(x.size());
  Eigen::VectorXd newPreds(x.size());
  Eigen::VectorXd newCoeffs;

  Eigen::VectorXd resid, newResid, step, xslice;
  Eigen::MatrixXd jac(x.size(), coeffs.size());

  const int maxLineIts = 10;
  const int maxIts = 20;

  // Use the current monotone parameterization to make predictions at every point
  for(int k=0; k<x.size(); ++k){
    xslice = x.segment(k,1);
    preds(k) = boost::any_cast<Eigen::VectorXd>(expansion->Evaluate(xslice,coeffs).at(0))(0);

  resid = y-preds;
  double sse = resid.squaredNorm();

  for(int i=0; i<maxIts; ++i){

    // Compute the jacobian at the current point
    for(int k=0; k<x.size(); ++k){
      xslice = x.segment(k,1);
      jac.row(k) = boost::any_cast<Eigen::MatrixXd>(expansion->Jacobian(1,0,xslice,coeffs));

    // Compute the Gauss-Newton step
    step = jac.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(resid);
    newCoeffs = coeffs + step;

    // Use the current monotone parameterization to make predictions at every point
    for(int k=0; k<x.size(); ++k){
      xslice = x.segment(k,1);
      newPreds(k) = boost::any_cast<Eigen::VectorXd>(expansion->Evaluate(xslice,newCoeffs).at(0))(0);

    newResid = y-newPreds;
    double newsse = newResid.squaredNorm();

    // Backtracing line search to guarantee a sufficient descent
    int lineIt = 0;
    while((newsse > sse - 1e-7)&&(lineIt<maxLineIts)){
      step *= 0.5;
      newCoeffs = coeffs + step;

      // Compute the residuals at the new point
      for(int k=0; k<x.size(); ++k){
        xslice = x.segment(k,1);
        newPreds(k) = boost::any_cast<Eigen::VectorXd>(expansion->Evaluate(xslice,newCoeffs).at(0))(0);

      newResid = y-newPreds;
      newsse = newResid.squaredNorm();

    if(lineIt == maxLineIts){
      std::cout << "WARNING: Line search failed, terminating Gauss-Newton optimizer." << std::endl;

    // The line search was successful, so update the coefficients and residuals
    coeffs = newCoeffs;
    preds = newPreds;
    sse = newsse;
    resid = newResid;

    std::cout << "Iteration " << i << ", SSE = "<< sse << std::endl;

void WriteResults(Eigen::VectorXd             const& x,
                  std::shared_ptr<MonotoneExpansion> expansion)
  Eigen::VectorXd preds(x.size());
  Eigen::VectorXd xslice;

  for(int k=0; k<x.size(); ++k){
    xslice = x.segment(k,1);
    preds(k) = boost::any_cast<Eigen::VectorXd>(expansion->Evaluate(xslice).at(0))(0);

  auto f = muq::Utilities::OpenFile("results/StressPredictions.h5");
  f["/Strain"] = x;
  f["/Stress"] = preds;

int main()

  Eigen::VectorXd strain, stress;
  std::tie(strain, stress) = ReadData();

  unsigned polyOrder = 7;
  auto expansion = SetupExpansion(polyOrder);

  FitData(strain, stress, expansion);

  WriteResults(strain, expansion);

  return 0;
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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1550487.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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This material is based upon work supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, SciDAC (Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing) program under awards DE-SC0007099 and DE-SC0021226, for the QUEST and FASTMath SciDAC Institutes.