Mauna Loa CO2

Regression of CO2 observations with a statespace representation of a Gaussian process.

#include <iostream>

#include "MUQ/Utilities/HDF5/H5Object.h"

#include "MUQ/Approximation/GaussianProcesses/CovarianceKernels.h"
#include "MUQ/Approximation/GaussianProcesses/GaussianProcess.h"
#include "MUQ/Approximation/GaussianProcesses/StateSpaceGP.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace muq::Utilities;
using namespace muq::Approximation;

template<typename MeanType, typename KernelType>
std::shared_ptr<GaussianProcess> BuildGP(MeanType const& mu, KernelType const& kernel)
    return std::make_shared<GaussianProcess>(mu.Clone(), kernel.Clone());

template<typename MeanType, typename KernelType>
std::shared_ptr<GaussianProcess> BuildStateSpaceGP(MeanType const& mu, KernelType const& kernel)
    boost::property_tree::ptree options;
    options.put("SDE.dt", 1e-2);

    return std::make_shared<StateSpaceGP>(mu.Clone(), kernel.Clone(), options);

int main()
    // Open and read in data
    string dataFile = "data/MaunaLoaCO2.h5";
    H5Object f = OpenFile(dataFile);

    Eigen::VectorXd times          = f["/Weekly/Dates" ];
    Eigen::VectorXd concentrations = f["/Weekly/Concentrations" ];

    // Long term trend
    double k1_var = 360;
    double k1_length = 60;
    double k1_nu = 5.0/2.0;
    auto k1 = MaternKernel(1, k1_var, k1_length, k1_nu);

    // Periodic component
    double k2_var = 1.0;
    double k2_period = 1.0;
    double k2_length = 0.5;
    auto k2 = PeriodicKernel(1, k2_var, k2_length, k2_period);

    // Quasi-periodic term
    double k3_var = 10.0;
    double k3_length = 30;
    double k3_nu = 3.0/2.0;
    auto k3 = MaternKernel(1, k3_var, k3_length, k3_nu);

    // Short term trends or anomalis
    double k4_var = 1.0;
    double k4_length = 2.0;
    double k4_nu = 3.0/2.0;
    auto k4 = MaternKernel(1, k4_var, k4_length, k4_nu);

    // Combine the individual kernels
    auto k = k1 + k2*k3 + k4;

    // Add a linear mean function
    LinearMean mu(1.8, 370-2000.0*1.8);

    // Construct a Gaussian Process using standard Matrix backend
    //auto gp = BuildGP(mu, k);

    // Construct a Gaussian Processing using a StateSpace formulation
    auto gp = BuildStateSpaceGP(mu,k);

    // Define pediction points
    int numPts = 800;
    Eigen::MatrixXd evalPts(1, numPts);
    evalPts.row(0) = Eigen::VectorXd::LinSpaced(numPts, 2010, 2020);

    gp->Condition(times.transpose(), concentrations.transpose(), 16);
    Eigen::MatrixXd postMean, postVar;
    std::tie(postMean,postVar) = gp->Predict(evalPts, GaussianProcess::DiagonalCov);

    // Write results to new file
    string writeFile = "results/CO2_Prediction.h5";
    H5Object fout = OpenFile(writeFile);

    fout["/Predict/Dates"] = evalPts;
    fout["/Predict/Concentrations"] = postMean;
    fout["/Predict/ConcentrationVariance"] = postVar;
    return 0;

Complete Code

#include <iostream>

#include "MUQ/Utilities/HDF5/H5Object.h"

#include "MUQ/Approximation/GaussianProcesses/CovarianceKernels.h"
#include "MUQ/Approximation/GaussianProcesses/GaussianProcess.h"
#include "MUQ/Approximation/GaussianProcesses/StateSpaceGP.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace muq::Utilities;
using namespace muq::Approximation;

template<typename MeanType, typename KernelType>
std::shared_ptr<GaussianProcess> BuildGP(MeanType const& mu, KernelType const& kernel)
    return std::make_shared<GaussianProcess>(mu.Clone(), kernel.Clone());

template<typename MeanType, typename KernelType>
std::shared_ptr<GaussianProcess> BuildStateSpaceGP(MeanType const& mu, KernelType const& kernel)
    boost::property_tree::ptree options;
    options.put("SDE.dt", 1e-2);

    return std::make_shared<StateSpaceGP>(mu.Clone(), kernel.Clone(), options);

int main()
    // Open and read in data
    string dataFile = "data/MaunaLoaCO2.h5";
    H5Object f = OpenFile(dataFile);

    Eigen::VectorXd times          = f["/Weekly/Dates" ];
    Eigen::VectorXd concentrations = f["/Weekly/Concentrations" ];

    // Long term trend
    double k1_var = 360;
    double k1_length = 60;
    double k1_nu = 5.0/2.0;
    auto k1 = MaternKernel(1, k1_var, k1_length, k1_nu);

    // Periodic component
    double k2_var = 1.0;
    double k2_period = 1.0;
    double k2_length = 0.5;
    auto k2 = PeriodicKernel(1, k2_var, k2_length, k2_period);

    // Quasi-periodic term
    double k3_var = 10.0;
    double k3_length = 30;
    double k3_nu = 3.0/2.0;
    auto k3 = MaternKernel(1, k3_var, k3_length, k3_nu);

    // Short term trends or anomalis
    double k4_var = 1.0;
    double k4_length = 2.0;
    double k4_nu = 3.0/2.0;
    auto k4 = MaternKernel(1, k4_var, k4_length, k4_nu);

    // Combine the individual kernels
    auto k = k1 + k2*k3 + k4;

    // Add a linear mean function
    LinearMean mu(1.8, 370-2000.0*1.8);

    // Construct a Gaussian Process using standard Matrix backend
    //auto gp = BuildGP(mu, k);

    // Construct a Gaussian Processing using a StateSpace formulation
    auto gp = BuildStateSpaceGP(mu,k);

    // Define pediction points
    int numPts = 800;
    Eigen::MatrixXd evalPts(1, numPts);
    evalPts.row(0) = Eigen::VectorXd::LinSpaced(numPts, 2010, 2020);

    gp->Condition(times.transpose(), concentrations.transpose(), 16);
    Eigen::MatrixXd postMean, postVar;
    std::tie(postMean,postVar) = gp->Predict(evalPts, GaussianProcess::DiagonalCov);

    // Write results to new file
    string writeFile = "results/CO2_Prediction.h5";
    H5Object fout = OpenFile(writeFile);

    fout["/Predict/Dates"] = evalPts;
    fout["/Predict/Concentrations"] = postMean;
    fout["/Predict/ConcentrationVariance"] = postVar;
    return 0;
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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1550487.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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This material is based upon work supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, SciDAC (Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing) program under awards DE-SC0007099 and DE-SC0021226, for the QUEST and FASTMath SciDAC Institutes.